Jo's Blog / Latest News

Welcome to the official blog of Joanna Neary, where you can catch up on Jo’s bewildered world past, present and looming. Mainly, this blog consists of scanned pages from her sketchbook with a running commentary, dashed off between duties, work and other hobbies. As well as banging on about art, there’s also past gigs, and music, such as the one about being interviewed for Prog Magazine in 2019, which led to some delightful exchanges with fellow nerds. It was all very civil, even when Jo had to admit she’d got a Frank Zappa fact wrong.

So we arrived in Nottingham after an away jaunt in Yorkshire where I secretly collated Yorkshire lingo. I don’t mean to look like a royal snob, I love comparing language. If I wasn’t unemployed, I’d love to be a specialist in linguistics and social history. (Father’s voice ‘well, that sounds much more worthwhile than this […]

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Day 3 continued – we go to Driff. It’s very cheap up here and there are big discount shops filled with goods. My favourite is a large newsagent full of ‘gift ideas’ which reminds me of a department store in my hometown Redruth, long since closed – and the newsagent next door where I’d browse […]

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Sometimes my husband starts talking, inadvertently commanding my attention (I might be reading a novel or something else which looks like I don’t mind being suddenly distracted. Like waxing my moustache or getting a crumb out of my eye). But midway through his announcement, his mind goes blank. It’s really odd to be watching someone […]

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This month, we took a trip up North to kill many birds with one stone.  We visited Bridlington first, then down to Nottingham and Leicester for comedy gigs with some of the cast of Ideal -Johnny Vegas, Ben Crompton, Peter Slater and Mick Miller.  Most of my sketchbook diaries are done when we’re away from […]

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Now our tree is up, a theme of home made faces has emerged. First up, Mr Robert Plant bauble, embroidered felt, pompom hair introduced to the collection in 2010. His hair is a bit pitiful but I ran out of golden felt and couldn’t be arsed to weave a tiny wig of silken thread like […]

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I’ve been making home made cards ever since Kirstie Allsop suggested it. Thanks Kirstie! So here’s my first go*. * = I am being facetious. I have been making cards since I was able to sit at a piano. (The piano with the lid down was my desk when I was little). I haven’t documented […]

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