Case of The Daunting First Page

I started a new sketchbook today so now I’ve got two on the go. The big one has my pottery designs in it, in case anyone’s interested. Pots to come.

Page one of this new book is a terrible sketch but one of my favourite things – a drawing within a drawing. I used to make books and in the back of the book was a pocket with a smaller book and so on. I’d go as far as a stapler would allow


Look how bored I was, trying to draw a landscape. I can never be bothered. Look out the window yourself, it’s better than I can do. I like drawing faces best. Here are some people


But this is my sketchbook diary and I was on a train journey today, the only chance I get to draw these days, alongside reading, writing and excellent picnics. So I had another go at documenting my journey on the next page but it was hard for me as there are no facial features

Refusing to become disheartened by my rubbish memory and lack of inspiration, the next three pages attempt to record the contrast between the Man In The Train Restaurants’ appearance and his words
I like the last one best, where he’s in a block of concrete up to his waist. To be fair to me, the conversation wasn’t worth recording in my sketchbook diary but I was desperate to find something to draw. Damn you, quiet sober carriageers on the 12.20pm from Euston.



Anyway, here’s a self portrait. Tips about getting back into drawing gratefully received. This is an idea for my next show poster. It’s called ‘Russell Neary; Berk In Progress’


Bonus doodles:


This one is called ‘my record player is in a floor – level cupboard’
