Jo's Blog / Latest News

Welcome to the official blog of Joanna Neary, where you can catch up on Jo’s bewildered world past, present and looming. Mainly, this blog consists of scanned pages from her sketchbook with a running commentary, dashed off between duties, work and other hobbies. As well as banging on about art, there’s also past gigs, and music, such as the one about being interviewed for Prog Magazine in 2019, which led to some delightful exchanges with fellow nerds. It was all very civil, even when Jo had to admit she’d got a Frank Zappa fact wrong.

Context. Today I was in Uckfield for the first in a series of Edinburgh Festival double bills I’ve programmed at The Picturehouse in Uckfield. (more details in the photo at the bottom of this post) The Nitty Gritty. I love big old pharmacies. They are second only to walls of stationery. This stems from growing […]

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Holidays mean I have more time for drawing. Here are some of my sketchbook diary pages. The second night of our honeymoon (in Arundel). Four nights in Amsterdam, a review in chart, graph and list form. Our departure day in Paris. I toy with the premise that bad things happen in threes. Here we are, […]

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I’m so excited about having a blog, I’ve photographed my lunch. Please accept my apologies. Hopefully the novelty will wear off and my posts will become more inspiring, we’ll see. It’s homemade mushroom soup (from a Rose Elliot recipe) and cheese sandwiches. Ta da! The soup is fairly healthy and light which is perfect for […]

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They have these cups in the V&A. (That isn’t why I love them but I was pleased. I find the Fifties space age design and range of colours rather cheering). These are part of a much larger collection which started when Dad gave me a red cup and saucer for Christmas when I was 20. […]

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