My unphotogenic lunch

I’m so excited about having a blog, I’ve photographed my lunch. Please accept my apologies. Hopefully the novelty will wear off and my posts will become more inspiring, we’ll see. It’s homemade mushroom soup (from a Rose Elliot recipe) and cheese sandwiches. Ta da!
The soup is fairly healthy and light which is perfect for this wierd rain forest-like weather*. Not that I’ve ever been
* = baking hot and raining. I’m on The Sunshine Coast of England, according to a welcome sign up the road.

Star rating – Three stars ***


And here’s pudding – Delia Smiths Coffee and Walnut cake which I baked last night. It’s extra sugary with coffee and sugar syrup poured into the hot sponge like a Lemon Drizzle and being refridgerated overnight has made the buttercream go nice and firm. I tried Delias mascarpone cheese filling a few years ago but Brian complained that it was straying too far from the classic Summer Fete butterfly cake for 15p recipe so I replaced the filling with coffee buttercream as in ‘Make, Bake, Love’ by Lilly Higgins. A lovely book, I was given it for Christmas.
Star rating- Four Stars ****
