World Book Day 2019 – My Teenage Diary Book Reviews, A Brighton Toilet-Related Business & A Night To Remember.

World Book Day was yesterday but I was too busy reading to post online. *unjustified proud face*
When I was 15 I wrote some book reviews in my teenage diary. Here are two of them.
‘Jude the Obscure’ by T Hardy. That Sue, what a pain in the neck, such a flirt. Much prefer Tess. C Plus.’
‘Jungle Book. Author Unknown. Not as good as the film. C Minus.’
Here is a book related doodle I’ve started.
It was so I could try out my Christmas present Masking Fluid. I haven’t finished it yet. That’s why part of the title is missing, and author, whoever that is. I missed World Book Day 2019 yesterday because, aptly enough I was too busy reading this…
I’m now reading a Persephone book by a woman, for contrast. It’s also International Women’s Day today so I suppose that’s appropriate. I only know this because I’ve got a gig tonight for that very occasion. Usually I don’t bother with occasions, except for my own birthday, like most people. Here is another book design..
Gogol is one of my favourite authors, he’s who I would have loved to have been friends with. I think he might have been like Marc Almond crossed with Tim Minchin, on the cusp of Sue Townsend.
What’s your favourite book to read on the loo? Personally, I don’t read books on the loo or keep any books in the loo, because of TOILET PLUME.
This photo was found on the street in Brighton. Here is the proud stamp that is on the back.
What’s there now I wonder? I’m not googling it, I’ve got books to read.
Here are some more book designs that I haven’t finished yet. Please feel free to tell me if you’d like me to draw a book cover for a book you love, I need an excuse to use my Masking Fluid because it’s really satisfying, I’m going to build up the layers.
Here is my book related event coming up in Brighton, to commemorate the Carolan Toilet Roll Cover. It’s going to be daft. Local book artists and illustrators will have their beautiful wares on stalls, my book covers will be finished and on display, I’ll be doing book inspired portraits of the audience, plus we’ll be joined by Ben Moor doing BookTalkBookTalkBook with me, character comedy from Dyball & Kerr, book related comedy by Dan Antopolski, me and Heather Minor will be singing a new book inspired song about Milton Keynes, from our next Creative Beast Podcast Episode, and live music from Jason Williams and Sexton Ming’s Porridge Van. Tickets available HERE.
Thank you for reading my alternative to Facearse (remember, I have just read that book by Jarett Kobek, so I’m still raw). Happy Every Day. Love from Jo.
Comments on "World Book Day 2019 – My Teenage Diary Book Reviews, A Brighton Toilet-Related Business & A Night To Remember."
Fifteen and already a genius. Ever read Mary Webb? I used to read her while drinking Thomas Hardy Ale.