Revolting puppet, absentminded woman

Home Made Puppet Challenge

For Creative Beast Podcast with Heather Minor, our guest, artist and puppeteer Daisy Jordan set us and our listeners a challenge – to make a puppet.
You can hear Daisy tell us how to make a puppet here. 
Here’s mine. This is a silver fish. He is exceedingly revolting. He is enormous.
silverfish 1

Silver Fish thinks his silver bits and genuine silk legs make him unique. But his shop bought pipe cleaners, duct tape paws and upwards glancing eyes are a massive let down.

Neither Beautiful Nor Useful

He’s not even ugly in an acceptable way, like an Edward Gorey drawing or a charming European puppet from modern theatre. He’s just detestable.
The worse thing is, as a puppet, he’s rubbish. He doesn’t have very good movement, although his nose (with a white button on the end) does move up and down in a disgusting sniffing action.
silver fish 2

He’s so long and immobile, that you can’t really manoeuvre him. He really is a disaster area

His luminous legs are a glove, so in theory, he can run about.
Hopefully he’ll run into a hole.
I will attempt to make a baddie next. One that could be used in an actual production, unlike Silver Fish who would be more valuable, if he were dismantled and his component parts re-used. The only trouble is, as he’s got a face, I can’t do it.
Maybe I’ll do a show set in a private school and he can be a prefect.
Like Paul McCartney says, every thing with a face deserves a chance in life.

Nerdy Woman’s Show In A Suitcase… Coming Soon.

silver fish 3
That button nose is sniffing about for a damp patch, because that’s where Silver Fish like to poo

Sandy and Scuttle
Sandy and Scuttle on the other hand are nicer to look at, move well and are colourful. Here they are about to have a nap.
If you’d like to see Sandy and Scuttle, they are appearing at the Leicester Comedy Festival this Sunday. 

This morning I’ve packed my bag for Leicester as an experiment to see how hard it is. I’ve had to chop my already flimsy cardboard set into smaller pieces to fit into a suitcase.

I suspect watching a nerdy absentminded woman trying to do an interactive puppet show is better than the actual puppet show. Good job it’s meant to be funny. Come and see for yourself. It’s £5 or PWYW (Pay What You Want)

Leicester Comedy Festival Children’s Show ‘Joanna Neary Presents The Crab Prince’.