My First Edinburgh Fringe Diary 1995 Twenty Years Ago Today – part 3. Fear Sets In


Fear sets in. It’s all right when you’re rehearsing in a small village hall and making each other laugh with ridiculously entertaining acting exercises (like the one where Nicholas Quirke, our director made me and Juls reply ‘no’ to each other’s lines when we thought it wasn’t good enough). Our first night’s stay seems to have been a series of favours – I don’t know why I was ringing Paul Putners bell – it seems we were staying on Guy Masterson’s floor. Disclaimer: I’m sure Claire Harris and Beth Fitzgerald didn’t ‘thunder in later’, anyone who knows me, knows I am notoriously awful when tired. Also, I didn’t expect to ever show this to anyone anyway. But after all, it was twenty years ago. Coming up next – the Incriminating Love Graph of who fell in love most violently and frequently. I will use code names so you can all relax