Journey Fashion Daily Doodle #3

Which set of captions do you prefer and why? This journey outfit consists of a few layers as temperatures between stations, carriages and times of day vary so much in England. That’s the science bit. The rest is a farce. I keep planning a quick page and then it ends up being something else as soon as I start drawing. Maybe that’ll get ironed out, the more I draw everyday. Do you like how I’ve drawn myself as though I’m looking in the mirror? It’s because I was remembering my reflection

This is my quick version of a normal fashion blog but I haven’t put prices on as for a start that bag’s so old it’s probably doubled by now (cost not value. It’s worth less than a pound. Also, when it’s full, I carry it like a bean bag. Not a look I’ve ever planned).

And this is the honest review page which fashion blogs don’t generally go for. I wonder why? Do you think sponsorship might dry up? Feel free to direct me to blogs that look like this:

Apologies for poor quality of photos again, I was on a first class train to Manchester by the time I did them. Yes, first class because, according to the back of the packet of my minature bag of complimentary free crisps, ‘I’m worth it’. I nearly spat out my three complimentary tic tacs.