Jo Blogs Tries Harder with Drawing and Colouring In

My sketchbooks are exactly that, sketches attempting to capture moments and times I don’t want to forget and lists of things to do or have done and slightly insulting records which I have to clear with my family before posting. Anyway, here are the nearest examples I have of commissions or finished bits of work. They are all still sketchy looking because that’s my style I suppose. I’m not skilled enough to draw like Edmund Dulac but I would if I could.

First, more birthday cards in the alphabet theme. Three more letters in the last month. Image


J was going to be for Jeep but it went wrong so I improvised.ImageImageThese were in my very favourite current medium. Dip pen in waterproof ink and watercolours. 

A couple of years ago I did a comedy gig for the Book Festival (I can’t remember exactly what it was called, sorry) with Darren Hayman and other excellent people at the Stoke Newington International Airport with the Henningham Press. They invited me to design a screen print to be made on a chip shop press and sold on the night and I have never been so proud as when I felt like an actual artist for one night. It’s available to buy for not very much money (£4?) if you’d like it. The design is below. It relates to my Peg Bird Craft Woman character who is inspired by The Bloomsbury Group. Actually, it’s inspired by a very particular living lady who works closely with the Bloomsbury descendants at Charleston Farmhouse near Firle but I don’t want to name her, she might go on the internet one day. I love this quote. 


chip shop (
People can order by emailing

And here’s my first ever commission, for a programme for a brilliant and adventurous friend who – I think I’m correct in this – attempted to take a piano on a raft down the Mississippi and nearly succeeded. He then did a brilliant show about it. I can’t remember drawing this but found it in a file as I have NEVER thrown a piece of paper away. I know, it’s a nightmare (it’s not, it’s a very big pile under the stairs).

ImageComing soon as promised three times now – Wedding Anniversary and The Love Day. I just need to get better photos. It’s one of my favourite set of drawings so far so I’m fussing.

Let me know what you think and thank you for looking!
