Jo Blogs Guide To Documenting Nonsense Slightly Mathematically

Here is one of my days in a pie chart. Drawing it combines several of my favourite things.
1. Pretending to be a mathematician (or secretary or notary)
2. Drawing with a dip pen
3. Acting as if my day was important enough to be recorded
4. Imagining myself to be an outsider artist, earnest, methodical and lacking in self awareness but not quite institutionalised.
5. Looking back years later and analysing* findings.

(*= being amused by, at best. Saddened by, at worst).

NB. The amount of time spent in the toilet includes tidying it and shooing my son out of it.

Now a (realistic) dream day represented in a pie chart form

And a pie chart from years ago when I worked in a pub rather than sign on.

And another reason:
6. Trying to improve my use of time

In which case, I can’t help thinking that drawing pie charts of my day might not be the best use of it. I couldn’t be bothered to fill in the final ‘actual’ chart so perhaps I knew it pointless then.

*ends post slightly depressed*

So finally, on a Documenting Nonsense theme, here is a pictorial map (that’s stretching it) of my movements during a 12 hour stay in a Staywell apartment while filming in Manchester last month. (I had just spent an hour looking at the Japanese Outsider Art exhibition at Wellcome Gallery so was probably inspired by that)

That one was coloured using metallic pencils. So far my favourite medium is dip Pen and watercolours and my fine nib Rotring for sketches. Let you know your thoughts!
Thank you for looking.

Coming up soon- the Anniversary and Love Day which have been approved by PM.