Jo Blogs Guide To Keeping A Sketchbook

A sketchbook has many uses. Mine is a personal diary and a handy bit of paper to doodle on when I’m bored or want to annoy or entertain a family member. Hardly blog material, eh? I know! Read on.

Sometimes or often, day to day doings are too dull to record. Everyone who keeps a diary finds this, I imagine. My friend once visited The Grand Canyon and all her diary entry had to report was what she’d had to eat in the Grand Canyon Cafe. Here, I bore myself:
1. Daily record.

The daily records are my favourite, they offer glimmers in your personal history which add colour but wouldn’t have seemed significant enough to record at the time. For instance, the fact that I had a teasmade in my late twenties.
In my opinion, a sketchbook is ideally carried around at all times. Perhaps scenic views and portrait opportunities are few and far between so instead, sketchbooks can be used for records, lists and workings out.
2. Useful lists.

The next page was drawing practice. I record my dreams as something to draw when I’m desperate. Dreams are dull even to the dreamer, ten years on. But I like these sketches. The first is that my teasmade exploded (it actually did eventually, I woke up to a dry tea bag and condensation all up the wall):
3. Drawing practice.



And a dream page I actually like because I’ve never read Jane Austen and this reveals what I imagined Austen to be and how stupid and puerile I am. And I do love dreams with Titles and call backs.
4. Dream record.

This is a pencil sketch of my husband watching the tele* with notes regarding my new year resolution to LEARN MORE ABOUT HISTORY AND THE WORLD. LEARN MORE EVERYDAY. I’m a bit embarrassed at these notes but sod it. (*=I often draw people watching the tele because they sit nice and still. It is almost the back of his head though).
5. Sketching.

Here are some plans for overhauling my wardrobe and dovetailing my coat collection by knitting coordinating hats. You may find these extremely boring but I am entertained by them as they are part of my unending quest to understand style and what on earth we’re meant to be doing when fashion stinks to high heaven.
6. Personal development.


Next – drawing badly and learning from it.
7. Getting better at sketching.

And finally, annoying and entertaining family members.
8. Personal comic strip.

