Train of thought Drawings / Peaches

Travelling at 6.30am, my thoughts were flitting all over the place. I’d like to tell a story with a parallel distraction, just like a train of thought, whilst recounting past events.
I expect this has been done before but not by me. These little pages are sketches for a bigger story. Perhaps with more (or rather some) planning, they might become more coherent


THE KIND MAN story is a longer one, I’ve been making notes for it rather than doing what I usually do which is to draw straight off the top of my head.

The trouble with doing that is, I miss out good bits sometimes, focus too long on boring bits and don’t finish the story because I run out of time.

The exciting thing about my new experiment – making written notes to be drawn up later – is that I need to buy a new notebook. A little reporter sized one. There’s not been a reason to buy stationery since my pack of 100 metal clip things for radio scripts in June.

Notebook advice welcome

There’s a chance the written notes might never get drawn up though, in which case I’ll go back to sketching as a record.

Telling a story in pictures advice welcome

Is there a right way? Perhaps my haphazard way is the one for me, time will tell

Right, off to dig carrots. In both senses of the word