Eddie Vedder’s Ukelele and Other Banes Of My Life

Is Marriage a competition? What will be in the next Bridget Jones film? And what is a Bombus Mega Bombus?

I Spy Book Of Mum
I’ve had at least 14 months of feeling like a cliche. I was almost definitely a cliche as a student but I didn’t notice it at the time. I probably thought I was brilliant and unique and had little or no insight. Anyway, I digress. So I thought I’d put it to no good use by predicting themes in the next Bridget Jones film.


A Day Off – Traditional Treat Time
I have friends with jobs so boring that everytime I try and feign interest and ask them what exactly it is that they do, my brain literally starts singing until they’ve stopped talking. I am so sorry. It happened again the other day during a picnic in Arlington. Sorry Pad.

Marriage Is A Competition
We get points*. We’re currently neck and neck but if Pad spots a field mouse sitting on a blackberry (which he did once on a cycle ride from Lewes to Glynde) AND successfully points it out to me, he will be in the lead by a lot.

And if you haven’t thrown up yet by the stuff about motherhood and marriage and letting off while mounting a stile, here’s a bit more about my baby. Also, there is a child here whose name has been changed. See if you can spot it.

And finally- A Day Off In The Life. (Below)

I’m now going to tag Mumsnet. *= I do award points but its completely random and it’s usually to make Pad laugh. The most fun is when he rapidly gains and then loses points by not doing much at all.
Remember this is my personal diary so if it is all a bit much, that’ll be why.
Feel free to leave comments and let me know what you’d like to see next. Here’s some options:
Awful Relationships (names will be changed)
Student Poverty
I Heart Brighton
Lists Of Things to Do
My Stationery Collection
Meet the family (starring my Sister)

A Bombus Mega Bombus is a bumble bee but it may just be Megabombus, genus Bombus. Too late now, I’ve drawn it.